Monday, 2 October 2017

How to prioritise

Do you have lots of ideas buzzing around in your head?  Do you need to get them into order?  I have a load of stuff I need and want to do, but just don't know where to start.  

Sometimes you'll have a load of tasks that you need to do, but you don't know where to begin.  Start by getting everything out of your head and onto paper.  Then think about each item and decide how important it is to you.  Does this need to dealt with now, is this a long term goal, is that a short term goal?  Try and really focus on each thing to assess how important it is right now.  Then decide if you need to be doing it or if you can get someone else to do it for you.  Just by writing everything you need to do down will be a start as you can start to prioritise.  Putting tasks into some sort of order will then mean that those that have been bothering you, but aren't really that important will no longer be taking your attention and you can put them to one side.  

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