Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Did you make New Year Resolutions that you can keep?

New Year New You

Did you start the Year with the best intentions? There are lots of good reasons to make New Year Resolutions, but sometimes your busy life can get in the way. Mind you, new habits don't have to be started in the New Year - you can make simple changes to your life at any time to make a difference to your health, welfare and well being. Here are 7 simple things you could try to incorporate into your daily routine.

Enjoy Citrus fruits

Stock up on grapefruits, oranges and clementines because these wonderful citrus fruits will help keep your skin looking healthy thanks to vitamin C, which aids in collagen production. 

Eat your Veg!

Use more veg in your diet if you're aiming to lose some weight or if you want to be more healthy. 

Share your Goals the right way

You may want to lose weight, but if you tell everyone you want to lose 12lbs, it may actually make you think you have done that and jeopardise your progress. Confide in someone close to you your progress and how you are getting on so you still have accountability and then share your wins when you have actually achieved them.

Learn to look after some Plants

Look it's not hard all you need to do is your household plants occasionally and they'll be fine. Just the presence of indoor plants can lower your stress levels, calm your autonomic nervous system and lower your blood pressure. Having a plant on your desk at work may even help you to concentrate more, feel better and makes the room and air in it feel cleaner. 

Do One thing at a time

Doing too much all at once won't make you more efficient, but it will make you more stressed, anxious and bothered that you haven't got everything done while there are new things that now need doing. Organise your time and focus on the task that you have allocated for each time slot. 

Remember and honour your Family History

Just having some pictures of past family members or some items from the past that are meaningful to your family helps you to feel that you are part of and belong to something that is continuing on into the future. This is more likely to make you feel happier as you are remembering and honouring your family.

Plan your Holiday

Plan and book your next holiday/vacation even if it is just a weekend away with some close friends. Just thinking about an upcoming break will make you feel happier and will give you something positive to look forward to. Plus knowing that you have a break coming up will motivate you to save/slim for that event.

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