Sunday, 14 January 2018

Blue Monday? Let's make it into something better

January can be a bit of a drag, but according to many the third Monday of this Month is also the saddest day of the year.  This is the day when you may be waking up and getting ready to go back to your J O B after what felt like a really short weekend and possibly you're not relishing that prospect for a number of reasons.  Maybe you don't feel your job is for you, you're not getting the personal and career development that you need to prosper financially and spiritually.  Maybe you don't feel valued or respected and your working relationships are not good and at best shallow.  The Christmas break with all the colours and good food etc seems an age away, while you indulged a bit more on presents and having a good time so your credit card, bank overdraft etc are not as healthy as you would like them to be.  Your salary doesn't seem to stretch far enough and January goes on forever right? - so money is really tight right now.  You're stalling on your New Years resolutions, so it's no surprise that today when factored in with all these other things means you're not feeling your happiest.  

Commonly referred to as "Blue Monday".
According to many sources and a (not so scientific) mathematical formula, it's the single saddest day of the year…

[W + (D-d)] x T^Q / M x NA
Where W=Weather...
D=Post-holiday debt...
d=Your monthly salary...
T=Time since Christmas...
Q=Time since slipping on your 2018 resolutions...
M=Your motivation, and...
NA=Your need to take action.

But don't worry.  It will get better.  You will get your momentum and motivation back.  Focus on the good things and sit an work out how you can fix the things that aren't so wonderful right now.  All it needs is a bit of organisation, forethought and the fortitude to see it through.  Need to lose some of those extra pounds you put on? Take a short walk each day.  Need to save some money?  Cut back on some of those calorie filled indulgences.  Struggling to keep your resolutions?  Put them somewhere where you can see them everyday, add some pictures to them to help you focus on your end goal, get a friend or family member to hold you accountable for keeping them.  Want another job?  Start thinking about the job you really want and begin looking into ways you can make that happen.  Nothing happens overnight, but instead of this being Blue Monday, let's make it Turnaround Monday when you turnaround your life and get it back on track.

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